Thursday February 6, 2025
Winamp closing its curtains. |
11/28/13 |
December 20th, Winamp is on more. Winamp skinning got me started on interface design and scripting.
This eventually evolved into real coding and iOS app development. Winamp was, and still is, a big part of Leechbite.com and I hope
it will continue to live on.
Sign petition to keep Winamp alive.
LeechTunes v3.0 Released! Redesigned for iOS7. |
09/21/13 |
Check out the latest LeechTunes, redesigned for the new look of iOS7.
Now with a brand new icon and a more streamlined, cleaner interface.
App details
LeechTunes on iTunes
ClockTunesLT Released! |
08/24/13 |
The FREE and Ad-supported version of ClockTunes is now available for download @ the App Store.
ClockTunes LT on iTunes
Happy Canada Day! |
07/01/13 |
Happy Canada Day everyone! To celebrate, ClockTunes will be FREE for a limited time.
Get it now!
ClockTunes on iTunes
LeechTunes and ClockTunes updated. |
06/30/13 |
I'm a bit slow updating my website, but here they are...
ClockTunes for iPad now available! |
10/23/12 |
RedmondPie.com: LeechTunes For iPhone And iPad Offers An Elegant, Gesture-Based Music App Alternative For iOS |
05/13/12 |
Redmond Pie reviews LeechTunes!
The native Music app on the iPhone does the job, and does it well, but let’s face it,
it doesn’t set the world alight, and for those who like their music to dominate the interface
rather than the other way around, LeechTunes for iOS might be the answer to your prayers.
Read full review.
Nerdvana.it reviews LeechTunes |
11/17/11 |
Check out Nerdvana.it's review of LeechTunes!
★★★★ -
... LeechTunes è una delle migliori nell’assolvere a questo compito, fornendo all’app nativa,
che in iOS 5 ha ormai cambiato il suo nome in Musica da iPod, un’interfaccia di navigazione senza
i classici pulsanti abbinati ad ogni funzione...
English translation:
... LeechTunes is one of the best in carrying out this task, giving the native app,
which in iOS 5 has now changed its name to music from iPod, a navigational interface
without the classic buttons matched to each function...
Read full review in Italian.
Translated in English.
Thank you, Steve Jobs! |
10/06/11 |
You have been an inspiration to me and to a lot of people. May you rest in peace.
LeechTunes Canada Day Weekend Sale! |
07/01/11 |
Happy Canada Day everyone! To celebrate, LeechTunes will be FREE for the Canada Day weekend.
Get it now! Sale only until Sunday, July 3rd.
LeechTunes on iTunes
LeechTunes updated to v1.4.5, now with Facebook Connect! |
06/29/11 |
LeechTunes in action! |
12/26/10 |
Check out LeechTunes in action in this video by Torres1708.
See LeechTunes in a sweet iPad integration into a Silverado.
LeechTunes and LeechTunes Lite updated to v1.4 |
12/22/10 |
LeechTunes now on App Store |
12/20/09 |
LeechTunes - the iPod Alternative.
After few months of struggling and learning Cocoa and Xcode, my very first iPhone app has been approved and is now available for download at the App Store!
App details
Download on iTunes
Komodo v1.0 Released! |
04/18/09 |
KameleonDUI v1.50 Released! |
10/05/08 |
Download @ Deviant Art(1.8MB)
Requires Winamp 5.54+
What's new:
- NEW! Tabbed D.U.I. - Now you can drag and drop components.
- Improved CD Cover - Local and Remote hybrid modes plus ratings.
- Bookmark Buttons :
- Fixed local media bug using workaround. (thanks SLoB)
- NEW! Link button to media lib playlists.
- NEW! Program button to do web searches (i.e. song lyrics, chords, official sites)
- New D.U.I. System - Now that the component focusing issue seems to be resolved, its time for a new DUI.
- More improvements on bookmark buttons.
- Improvements on Internet Browser including the More Artist/Album info page.
- Improvements on Config Panel, esp. handling of added backgrounds/textures.
- and so much more...
Report bugs here.
cPro_Fluke & cPro_Anunaki |
03/19/08 |
Xmas Wallpaper |
12/01/07 |
D.U.I. Skins Back in winamp.com! |
10/16/07 |
With the closure of WifiRadio, I have been wanting to release back my DUI skins (KameleonDUI and mMonkey) but I guess
Winamp.com did it for me. Both skins are now back on Winamp.com. :)
I will be updating KameleonDUI for Winamp v5.5. Beta versions will posted on the site. Keep posted.
Download KameleonDUI v1.1 @ Winamp.com
Download .mMonkey @ Winamp.com
D.U.I. Skins Removed from Skin Databases |
08/02/06 |
As of today all my DUI (Dynamic User Interface) skins (KameleonDUI and mMonkeyDUI) are removed from
all the skin databases. These includes Winamp.com,
deviantArt.com and
wincustomize.com. I will be developing D.U.I. further on a new Wasabi-based
media player.
KameleonDUI v1.0 |
06/24/06 |
After a looong delay, KameleonDUI v1.0 is finally released! New features include: 4 LCD Modes, New Kameleon Homepage with skin tips/help
, and more bug fixes.
Big thanks to Winamp staff for featuring Kameleon.
Screenshot |
Download @ Winamp.com
Skin Consortium: Vortex |
06/24/06 |
First skin released by Skin Consortium, a collaborative effort by talented
skinners in the community. Vortex is packed with never before seen features
that are truly innovative.
Martin Poehlman(main coder), Rohan Prabhu (Speakers/backlight),
Jory Compendio (FullScreen), K Chanria (Stick Stretch/Drawers),
Kev Jaques (Layer FX/ grfx),
Ralph Barber (First code/all grfx)
Download @ Winamp.com |
Leechbite.com v2.0 |
03/26/06 |
Lexie and I tied the knot! |
01/09/06 |
KameleonDUI Beta 1 released @ deviantArt.com |
11/25/05 |
Try the latest in winamp skinning technology! Dynamic User Interface (DUI),
Kameleon faceplate, and much, much more!!!
Watch out for v1.0 coming soon.
Download @ Winamp.com